Mediation fees are based upon the type of mediation that is offered.
For a mediation in Tulsa, OK (our home base), we typically use a half-day rate to provide our services at the most economical level. A mediation in the morning, beginning at a time desired by the parties involved (usually 9:00 am) can go till 2:00 pm; any time used past 2:00 pm would trigger another half-day rate. Alternatively an afternoon mediation would begin sometime after lunch (usually 1:30) and the next half-day rate would trigger at 7:00 pm. Any mediation continuing past 7:00 pm will trigger an additional half-day rate. Usually fees are split by the parties. Currently our half-day fee is $1000.00, which may be negotiable for Not-For-Profit organizations and those who qualify for a sliding scale. This schedule is for Tulsa OK. For locations outside of Tulsa, the fee is based on a full day rate of $2500.00 per day, with NO additional fees for travel.
Initial fees are paid in advance, in cash or via a cashier’s check, prior to scheduling. These fees are: An administrative fee of $250.00, plus a minimum of three hours of time billed at $250.00 per hour (total $1000.00).
Subsequent time in mediation is billed on an hourly rate, payable at the conclusion of the mediation session, usually an hour or two in length. Usually fees are split by the parties. Currently our hourly rate is $250.00, which may be negotiable for Not-For-Profit organizations and those who qualify for a sliding scale.
Mediations by telephone or webcast are available, though not our preference, and will be billed at the equivalent rates identified above, PLUS any required expenses for needed technology, depending upon the type of mediation.
Consultation, over the phone, or in person, is billed after the first 30 minutes of consultation, inclusively of the first 30 minutes. In other words, the first 30 minutes of consultation is done gratis; if the consultation goes beyond 30 minutes, every minute counts and costs. We believe such a rate structure is both ethical and legitimate. We don’t like to be charged just to ask a question or briefly discuss an issue; why would you?
Our fees are based on a project or retainer basis. Proposals for projects will be developed after an initial complimentary visit by a member of the Conflict Alternatives’ team. We look forward to helping your organization benefit from a more productive business environment.
Expenses will be billed for customary services, such as printing. Travel expenses will be billed for service provided beyond 60 miles of Tulsa OK, or the location of the Conflict Alternatives team member providing the service. Travel expenses would include air fare or mileage at the federal rate, food, lodging, ground transportation and other legitimate and customary costs associated with travel. There are no travel expenses for mediations outside Tulsa, billed at the full day rate.
*Ask about our Not-For-Profit and sliding scale fee structure.